It’s not uncommon to experience a sore back or neck today. There are dozens of reasons why you might feel temporary pain and soreness, especially if you’ve had to spend some time in a cramped or uncomfortable position. Read More...
However, if you suffer from chronic back pain, neck pain, pain in your shoulders, pain and stiffness in your core abdominal muscles, or any combination of these issues, you may be suffering from the long-term results of poor posture. Over long periods of time, incorrect posture can result in the muscles of your body becoming stiff, cramped, or sore - and these issues can lead to painful spinal problems if these issues are uncorrected.
Unfortunately, poor posture is a way of life for many of us today. Thanks to our sedentary lifestyles, all too many of us work in jobs where we’re required to sit in front of a computer for long periods of time without moving, doing the same repetitive tasks over and over. In some, this results in issues such as carpal tunnel syndrome. Meanwhile, spending so long in uncomfortable office chairs hunched over a keyboard and straining up at a computer screen is not ideal for proper posture, either, which leads to the type of chronic back pain problems that you might be suffering from. On top of that, many people don’t take enough breaks during the day to stand up, stretch, and correct their posture because of work constraints, and that just makes the problem all that much worse.
Work strain is indeed one of the biggest culprits when it comes to chronic back pain caused by improper posture. Yet even when we’re not at work, we can still end up suffering from poor posture. Spending a lot of time looking down at our handheld devices like smartphones and tablets puts strain on the back of your neck, creating a condition known as “tech neck” that can lead to chronic neck pain and discomfort. For these reasons and many more, it’s important to pay better attention to your posture in order to relieve pain and prevent long-term injury.
However, correcting your posture can be quite difficult without help. Sitting in specific positions for long periods of time activates your muscle memory, which essentially “trains” your body to automatically adopt these positions, even if they lead to pain and discomfort tied to poor posture. Thankfully, you don’t have to go it alone when it comes to finding ways to correct your posture and relieve the pain associated with poor posture. There are a number of posture correction devices that can help you retrain your body to sit in the proper position once more in order to reap the benefits of proper posture! These posture correctors take many forms, from back and shoulder braces to compression shapewear and much more, and wearing these devices help your body unlearn its poor posture habits and replace them with new muscle memory.
It’s important to choose the right type of posture product for your specific needs. Choosing incorrectly can result in your body not getting the type of support you need, which means any muscle pain related to poor posture won’t improve even if you wear a brace or posture corrector for significant periods of time. In some cases, you might even end up making your posture problems worse! In other words, it’s crucial to choose the right posture product for what you need.
That’s why we’ve created our interactive Posture Advisor! This innovative tool will help you identify which types of posture products will be the most beneficial for you and your specific needs. Don’t worry if you’re unsure of how to move forward on choosing a specific bracing product - using our Posture Advisor couldn’t be easier. Follow the step-by-step interactive prompts and you’ll be furnished with a selection of the best products for your specific needs.
Here at The Natural Posture, it’s our business to help you with your body’s posture. We work closely with doctors and posture industry professionals so we can bring you the type of education and personalized recommendations you need to find the ideal products to help you achieve better postural health. We’re confident that our years of expertise in providing posture correction products, support, and education puts us in the unique position to help you find the best product to help you return to proper posture, reduce your pain, and help you achieve a better quality of life.
Back pain is a sign to start paying more attention to your body's health, and we're here to help you do just that. There’s no reason for you to suffer in silence any longer. Working together with The Natural Posture, you too can help resolve your back pain issues. Rely on us to show you the way to reduce pain and discomfort through better posture!
Find the right product for you with our guided tool, Posture Advisor. Select your body region you are interested in bracing and we will help you further.